Alcohol addiction treatment can be done not only with medication and psychotherapy. There are many popular recipes that help one overcome addiction. Most of these medicines are based on herbal ingredients.
But even if plant materials look harmless, if used improperly, plant materials can cause harm. Therefore, it is necessary to know exactly which ingredients help fight alcoholism and how to use it properly.
Herbal Treatment Rules
When planning to use ingredients to fight alcoholism, there are a few rules to keep in mind:
- herbal treatment should be preceded by cleansing the body of toxins and toxins;
- should adhere to all doses specified in the recipe strictly, as the effects of some crops are very strong, while others are generally toxic;
- is not recommended to replace decoctions and infusions with alcohol, this will not increase the effectiveness of the product, and may trigger alcohol damage (in addition, some ingredients are not suitable for alcohol);
- before starting a course of herbal medicine, you must ensure that the patient does not experience allergic reactions;
- on the slightest sign of poisoning or deterioration in general health, herbal treatment should be stopped immediately.

Herbs from alcoholism
There are some herbal ingredients that can help you get rid of alcohol. Most of them are based on the fact that in combination with alcohol, they cause dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. Severe conditions that are repeated after drinking alcohol make the self-preservation instinct work. An alcoholic person is afraid to drink, expecting that he will get sick again.
In addition, reflexes are formed - a person sees a direct link between the consumption of alcoholic beverages and painful symptoms, and on this basis, he gradually forms a rejection of alcohol.
Thousands of meters
Centaury traditional medicine for alcoholism is very popular. They are used to get rid of alcohol cravings long before the advent of drugs. For treatment, the plants can be brewed alone or as part of a collection. Centaury eliminates cravings for alcohol, cleanses the body of toxins, and normalizes the function of internal organs.
To prepare the broth, you need 2 tbsp. spoonful of fresh or dried centaury. They are poured with 250 ml of boiling water, boiled over low heat for 10-15 minutes, after which they are pressed for 2 hours. Strain the broth before use. Take a third of a glass three times a day. The course of treatment is two weeks.
Puppeteer (Chemeritsa)
Puppeteer texture is most often used for the treatment of alcoholism in secret. This ingredient is very toxic and, along with alcohol, causes the strongest symptoms of poisoning - decreased blood pressure, vomiting. This is explained by the fact that alkaloids found in plants cause disruption in the activity of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

To prepare the color, 20 g of raw material (you can use the ingredient itself and its roots) pour 400 ml of vodka and leave for 10 days in a dark place. After that, you must filter the liquid carefully. Method of use: 5 drops of tintur added to drinks or food for alcohol. Treatment is continued until alcohol rejection continues.
Important! Using a mastermind to get rid of alcoholism is associated with the risk of various complications from severe poisoning to stroke, as this ingredient has many side effects. Do not use it without consulting your doctor.
Salam leaves are another medicine to drink. The texture is prepared from 2-3 large leaves and 200 ml of high quality vodka. The liquid is put in the dark for 12-15 days, after which it is filtered. Patients were given a third of the infusion produced once a day. After 3 days, a positive effect can be seen - a person experiences alcohol rejection.
Clefthoof Europe should be considered a very effective drug for alcohol. After taking medication with the background of drinking alcohol, the patient will feel unwell, will experience severe nausea, and vomiting may occur. To prepare a remedy for alcoholism, it is not the grass that is most often used, but the grass roots.
Clefthoof tincture is prepared as follows: pour 15 g of chopped rhizomes with a glass of heated water, boil and immediately remove from heat. Strain after half an hour. Drink a decoction of 20 ml once a day. It is believed that clefthoof gives good results in the secret treatment of alcoholism from patients.
Thyme (or creeping thyme) is another drug commonly used for alcoholism. The combination of thyme and alcohol causes stomach cramps and vomiting, so that patients quickly hate alcohol. Moreover, unpleasant symptoms appear when using thyme-based products, even with a little alcohol.

There are several options for preparing thyme decoction from alcoholism.
One of the recipes is as follows: 3 tbsp. spoons of raw material poured with a glass of boiling water and insist for an hour. Filtered liquid should be drunk three times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. If necessary, the course can be repeated after a week break.
Another recipe for boiling thyme from alcoholism is as follows: 3 tbsp. tablespoons of dried raw material is poured into 0. 5 liters of water and baked. Once the liquid boils, it is boiled over low heat for about 30 minutes. Then leave in a cool place for an hour. After the broth is filtered, warm water is added to a volume of 0. 5 liters. The product is poured into alcoholic beverages. For strong alcohol 0. 5 liters, enough 3 tbsp. spoon.
Treatment of alcoholism with thyme gives the best effect in the early stages of the disease, when the addiction is not yet so strong.
Important! When preparing thyme decoction, keep in mind that the combination of this ingredient with alcohol gives a strong negative reaction, so to get a quick result, you should not exceed the dose.
Lovage is an eternal ingredient from the Celery family that is often used for alcohol. Such a drug gives fast and stable results due to the fact that, along with alcoholic beverages, it causes unpleasant painful symptoms:
- vomiting, nausea;
- diarrhea;
- abdominal pain.
The root of love is used for alcoholism. 2 tablespoons of crushed rhizome is poured with 250 ml of boiling water and insist for 50-60 minutes. After that, the liquid is filtered and poured into a glass container. Tincture of lovage is poured directly into alcohol in the amount of 2 tbsp. spoon to drink 0. 5 liters. Treatment is continued until alcohol rejection continues.
Kudzu Root
Unlike many herbal preparations that cause alcohol rejection, kudzu root, which comes to us from Asian medicine, works differently. Due to its chemical composition, this plant can increase the effects of alcohol, as a result, a person suffers from poisoning from much lower doses. Thus, less alcohol enters the body, which means that toxins are eliminated faster, and intoxication is easier.

Products based on kudzu root have a cumulative effect and over time the craving for alcohol weakens, and the body begins to recover, thanks to hepatoprotectors and natural antioxidants found in plants.
Curly curly
Decoction of curly irritation helps improve post-party health, relieving symptoms of intoxication. For the preparation of medicine 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed plant roots mixed with a glass of boiling water and boiled for 5-10 minutes. Then they insist for two hours, strain. It is necessary to drink the infusion three times a day, 60-70 ml.
St. John's wort
St. John's wort contains many natural antidepressants, vitamins, and active ingredients that suppress alcohol cravings. 2 tablespoons of the herb is poured into a glass of boiling water, then heated for half an hour in a water bath. Drink half a glass of broth twice a day. The duration of the course, depending on the results, is 2-3 weeks.
Ram is another ingredient that helps fight alcohol addiction. The effect is achieved in 1-2 months. The absorption of the ingredient in combination with alcohol intake causes prolonged vomiting. 5 g of grass boiled for 5 minutes in 250 ml of water, then put in for 30 minutes, filtered. 50-70 ml of product is taken 15-20 minutes before alcohol intake. Moreover, it is recommended not only to drink alcohol, but also to smell it, not only the taste, but also the smell of the drink causes disgust.
Worm infusion will help reduce alcohol cravings. For its preparation 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the ingredients is poured into a glass of boiling water and insist for 20 minutes. The tense agent is divided into three parts, which must be drunk half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 10-12 days.There are many positive reviews on the effectiveness of wormwood and thyme decoction. Herbs must be mixed in a ratio of 1: 4, 2 tbsp. spoon mixture, pour 0. 5 liters of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes, then leave for an hour. Once the broth is cool, strain it. Take 50 ml three times a day. The duration of treatment is 1 month.
Herbs from alcohol intoxication
After drinking a lot of alcohol or after leaving the party, it is necessary to alleviate the person's condition and eliminate the symptoms of intoxication. There are several proven traditional medicine recipes:
- decoction of tansy allows you to weaken almost any sign of unpleasant poisoning;
- a decoction of lemon balm (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water) helps to stop prolonged vomiting;
- decoctions of horseradish, linden, thyme, mint (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water) accelerate the removal of toxic substances from the body.
Vomiting ingredients can be used to cleanse the body as soon as possible, but this must be done with caution.
Herbal preparations
Many herbs work well in herbal medicine for alcoholism. Herbal tea not only helps eliminate alcohol addiction, but also relieves stress, stabilizes body work, and normalizes sleep and appetite.
Some popular herbal teas for alcoholism:
- St. John's wort, wormwood bitter, yarrow, thyme, mint, juniper. 1 tablespoon 1 liter of boiling water is poured over a tablespoon of the herb mixture and infused for 20-25 minutes. The filtered liquid is drunk 3-4 times a day for 15 days. After a week break, the course is repeated.
- Monastic tea for alcoholism is another effective drink to quench the craving for alcohol. 1 teaspoon of the collection is brewed with a glass of boiling water, put in 20 minutes, filtered. Products are taken according to the manufacturer's instructions.
- Clefthoof root coffee is a powerful and quite effective remedy, but it is rarely used to avoid side effects.

Attention! Herbs for preparing alcohol fees can be purchased at the pharmacy or collected on their own (but only if you are skilled in botany and are confident that you have found the plant you need).
Attention! Herbs for alcoholism should not be treated like regular tea. Before use, we strongly recommend that you see a doctor.
When using herbal medicine, one must act with caution and be aware of possible contraindications, the main one being individual intolerance to any component. In addition, there are some other limitations:
- ingredients that cause vomiting should not be used for those who have been diagnosed with stomach ailments (gastritis, boils);
- with hypertension, herbal remedies can cause complications;
- Herbal treatments for alcoholism are also contraindicated in people with diabetes.
Certain herbs can actually help reduce alcohol cravings. They may not be able to cure a person completely, but as a supplement they are very effective. If you are going to use folk remedies, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications and follow the prescribed prescription and dosage.